So this question was posed to me on a blog that I follow. How am I doing? Well, here we go with the answer:
I'm not really sure. Either Friday or Saturday, I had a TM Alumni tell me I was complaining too much on my facebook page. Meanwhile, I have others that tell me they enjoy my status updates about what I'm doing at work, when I get there and other things that have to do with life in general. It's been 10 YEARS since these poeple have seen me, and so I started to look back over my updates. I did find that most of them are of me complaining. There's also not a lot of things that I see good happening in my life, other then watching my son grow up *smiles hugely at that thought*. He's my sunshine and joy. He's even doing something new thanks to my sister in laws niece, he's standing on his head with his feet on the ground and arms flapping like a bird. BUT other then him, every time I turn around, I'm getting blasted by something. Whether it's a financial hit, a hit with my car, from my sister in law, or from my wife (whom I fight with all the time), I'm always having something bad happen to me, or so it seems. Don't I have the right to tell people how I'm doing without the fear of them saying that I'm complaining?
To me, yes, I do have that right. If they don't like it, they can stop being friends with me. Besides, there are some things that I "complain" about, that I can't do anything about. I can't fix the traffic, so I guess it doesn't need to be talked about. I'm working on changing my work situation, but don't have a degree so I'm disqualified from most jobs in the area. My drive to and from work, yeah, I could change that, but I like living where I'm at, even if the wife doesn't.
So all in all, do us Americans complain to much? Do we complain about things we can't change more then we do the ones we have control over?? What are we doing about the things we can change? What are we doing about them? Are we moving closer to work, so to speak, in order to shorten the drive, or are we just going to be complacent, and grumble and complain about it?
I propose that from this day forward, we try to change those things in our control like finances, fighting, even something as small as daily commute, and not worry about the things we can't change.