Nope, I'm not talking about the President, or the lack of change that was promised by him or any other politicians. I'm talking about this blog. After 3 or 4 years of having it, I am NOT closing it even though I rarely post here. I am going to be shifting the focus of this blog to helping people that were affected by an organization that I dealt with 10 years ago. This organizations name is Teen Mania ministries. In the next few days, I'll be posting exactly what has been going on, as well as my story on what happened back then.
Have I gotten over the hurt that has happened at the hands of the staff members there? To an extent I have. It's very difficult to when it's impacted your life so hard.
If anyone out there has had any interaction with them, please feel free to contact me. If you want what you say posted, please include that. I will maintain all manners of privacy if you don't want your name out there.
This will NOT be a place to fight either. ALL comments will be moderated, and if your comments seem like they are going to ignite a flame war, I won't post them.
Helping Others
To help those that feel like they can't leave the abusiveness of Teen Mania Ministries Honor Academy
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Monday, August 16, 2010
How am I feeling???
So this question was posed to me on a blog that I follow. How am I doing? Well, here we go with the answer:
I'm not really sure. Either Friday or Saturday, I had a TM Alumni tell me I was complaining too much on my facebook page. Meanwhile, I have others that tell me they enjoy my status updates about what I'm doing at work, when I get there and other things that have to do with life in general. It's been 10 YEARS since these poeple have seen me, and so I started to look back over my updates. I did find that most of them are of me complaining. There's also not a lot of things that I see good happening in my life, other then watching my son grow up *smiles hugely at that thought*. He's my sunshine and joy. He's even doing something new thanks to my sister in laws niece, he's standing on his head with his feet on the ground and arms flapping like a bird. BUT other then him, every time I turn around, I'm getting blasted by something. Whether it's a financial hit, a hit with my car, from my sister in law, or from my wife (whom I fight with all the time), I'm always having something bad happen to me, or so it seems. Don't I have the right to tell people how I'm doing without the fear of them saying that I'm complaining?
To me, yes, I do have that right. If they don't like it, they can stop being friends with me. Besides, there are some things that I "complain" about, that I can't do anything about. I can't fix the traffic, so I guess it doesn't need to be talked about. I'm working on changing my work situation, but don't have a degree so I'm disqualified from most jobs in the area. My drive to and from work, yeah, I could change that, but I like living where I'm at, even if the wife doesn't.
So all in all, do us Americans complain to much? Do we complain about things we can't change more then we do the ones we have control over?? What are we doing about the things we can change? What are we doing about them? Are we moving closer to work, so to speak, in order to shorten the drive, or are we just going to be complacent, and grumble and complain about it?
I propose that from this day forward, we try to change those things in our control like finances, fighting, even something as small as daily commute, and not worry about the things we can't change.
I'm not really sure. Either Friday or Saturday, I had a TM Alumni tell me I was complaining too much on my facebook page. Meanwhile, I have others that tell me they enjoy my status updates about what I'm doing at work, when I get there and other things that have to do with life in general. It's been 10 YEARS since these poeple have seen me, and so I started to look back over my updates. I did find that most of them are of me complaining. There's also not a lot of things that I see good happening in my life, other then watching my son grow up *smiles hugely at that thought*. He's my sunshine and joy. He's even doing something new thanks to my sister in laws niece, he's standing on his head with his feet on the ground and arms flapping like a bird. BUT other then him, every time I turn around, I'm getting blasted by something. Whether it's a financial hit, a hit with my car, from my sister in law, or from my wife (whom I fight with all the time), I'm always having something bad happen to me, or so it seems. Don't I have the right to tell people how I'm doing without the fear of them saying that I'm complaining?
To me, yes, I do have that right. If they don't like it, they can stop being friends with me. Besides, there are some things that I "complain" about, that I can't do anything about. I can't fix the traffic, so I guess it doesn't need to be talked about. I'm working on changing my work situation, but don't have a degree so I'm disqualified from most jobs in the area. My drive to and from work, yeah, I could change that, but I like living where I'm at, even if the wife doesn't.
So all in all, do us Americans complain to much? Do we complain about things we can't change more then we do the ones we have control over?? What are we doing about the things we can change? What are we doing about them? Are we moving closer to work, so to speak, in order to shorten the drive, or are we just going to be complacent, and grumble and complain about it?
I propose that from this day forward, we try to change those things in our control like finances, fighting, even something as small as daily commute, and not worry about the things we can't change.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Oops, I did it again....

Decided on that title because it seemed fitting. Not because this blog is going to be about Brittany Spears, but because here it is July, and I haven't posted anything since January!!
So, here's the mid year report. There have been a ton of sex scandals broken this year, there have been moves made, and moves to soon come. There have been broken hearts mended, and circumstances fixed.
To get on with what has happened in my life thus far. We moved from a really nice townhouse into a 3 bedroom, 1bath house that belongs to my brother in law and his family. Oh, did I mention that they live there too?? Yes, that means there are 6 people living under one roof. Now, this means, my wife and I, plus Minicoder, my brother in law and his wife, plus their son. This is the issue. My nephew likes to beat on Minicoder, and his parents don't do anything to stop it other then say, "No, No!! You don't hit." Of course there are times that he does it non-stop or uses toys to hit him, and then he gets a 1minute and 30 second time out. Yeah, that's really showing him how to behave. He has gotten the occasional smack on the hands, but again, that's not doing anything. What's even worse is that my sister in law is now pregnant, and will be having a baby in Decemeber. Actually, this pup will be here to celebrate Christmas with us.
I know I've yet to post some pictures of Minicoder up, and I think that this post will be the one where I show how big he's gotten. I still can't believe that he is crawling, cruising, and completely mobile. Heck, he's even going up and down stairs on his own. He's bashful when he meets new people, yet he's grabbed the occasional waitress' rear-ends. The best was when he grabbed the waitress' butt, and she turned to him and said, "You are very cute, but a little young for me. Maybe in a few years." I about died laughing.
In other news, I currently drive for about 5 hours per day. In order to stop the excessive driving, I have an interview this Friday with a company 20 minutes from my house. If I get it, say good bye to the Western Shore of Maryland, and sign me up as a resident of the Eastern Shore. Even if I don't get a huge pay increase, it will save almost a grand in car expenses. Yes, currently I am putting almost 300 miles a DAY on my car. I hope to get this job.
Well, I think that will be all for now. I hope to have more later.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Here we are...
Finally made it through the beginning of the year. It's been a doozy. In 4 days, the first full month of 2010 will be in the history books. For some, not much has changed, for others a lot has changed. I am in the latter group.
So for me, in the months of Decemember and January, a ton has changed. I have moved into two different houses, been sued, been yelled at, and had to learn two different commuting routes to get to work. Sadly, both routes take the same amount of time, 1.5 hours to be exact. I am now waking up at about 0430, and out of the house no later then 0530. Then I get to joyously leave work at 1600, and hope to be home around 1730. The first move was from a place that my parents owned, which was too small for us with the addition of Minicoder. So we moved into a 2 bedroom, 1 bath townhouse on the other side of town. I was quite happy until I found out that our beloved governor decided to strip me of more tax money. So, I am now bringing home less money then I was last year. At the same time, I don't foresee a raise in my future, at least not if I stay with my company. As for the lawsuit, my mom claims that it was to get the utilities turned on in her name at the first place we lived in, I think it was because she wanted me to payback the money that I owe her. Either way, we will find out as this year progresses.
On my list of stuff to do for the year, I am looking for a job that is near where I am currently living, and praying that the wife wants to stay there. I know I do. Other then that, not wasting time with things that don't matter, paying bills, and getting back on our feet so I can move into a place of my own. Yup, that's it for this episode. See you soon
So for me, in the months of Decemember and January, a ton has changed. I have moved into two different houses, been sued, been yelled at, and had to learn two different commuting routes to get to work. Sadly, both routes take the same amount of time, 1.5 hours to be exact. I am now waking up at about 0430, and out of the house no later then 0530. Then I get to joyously leave work at 1600, and hope to be home around 1730. The first move was from a place that my parents owned, which was too small for us with the addition of Minicoder. So we moved into a 2 bedroom, 1 bath townhouse on the other side of town. I was quite happy until I found out that our beloved governor decided to strip me of more tax money. So, I am now bringing home less money then I was last year. At the same time, I don't foresee a raise in my future, at least not if I stay with my company. As for the lawsuit, my mom claims that it was to get the utilities turned on in her name at the first place we lived in, I think it was because she wanted me to payback the money that I owe her. Either way, we will find out as this year progresses.
On my list of stuff to do for the year, I am looking for a job that is near where I am currently living, and praying that the wife wants to stay there. I know I do. Other then that, not wasting time with things that don't matter, paying bills, and getting back on our feet so I can move into a place of my own. Yup, that's it for this episode. See you soon
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Once Again...IT'S COLD....
....Of course that seems to be my life though!!! Every aspect of it cold.
So it seems to me that a friendship/relationship of 9 years has ended. Odd part is that at first I was torn apart from it. Yup, life sucks when you lose those you love, and are friends with. At least now I can get on with my life.
So yeah, I still have my window units for AC in, and just got paged that tonight I have to take them out. Apparently, Minicoder is cold, and so is mommy.
Ok, so you might ask why am I blogging during work hours, cause I am waiting for some things to run, and they are taking a long time.
Well, I think I am going to go do something else. Have a good day.
So it seems to me that a friendship/relationship of 9 years has ended. Odd part is that at first I was torn apart from it. Yup, life sucks when you lose those you love, and are friends with. At least now I can get on with my life.
So yeah, I still have my window units for AC in, and just got paged that tonight I have to take them out. Apparently, Minicoder is cold, and so is mommy.
Ok, so you might ask why am I blogging during work hours, cause I am waiting for some things to run, and they are taking a long time.
Well, I think I am going to go do something else. Have a good day.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
WOW....has it been that long??
So I decided to follow a friend of mine's blog on here, so I signed in, and decided to check my blog. I realized that I have not said anything about what has been going on for almost and ENTIRE year. Can you believe it, 2009 is almost over.
So this year, thus far, in review.
The wife gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby boy on April 3rd at 5:55pm after 14 hours of labor. He is gorgeous. That is ok to say about my son right? Have to be politically correct now that there is an "Africa American" in the WHITE House. Anyway, he is now 5 months old, and a joy to be around. He has brought laughter, and happiness into a house that needed it. Granted that there are still issues. Like the fact that I am no longer in school, we've been struggling finincially ever since I got the money from the school. Somehow the company found out, audited my tuition assistance program, found ONE payment where the school backed off an old grant payment, and applied it to a payment that the company was to make. Thus, resulting in me being put on probation, having to pay not only the company back, but also the school (since I had to drop out). Then we have the car repo'd, almost get evicted from our apartment (with my parents being landlords), drain my 401K to pay said landlords, and a lot more.
So far this year, we have had the deaths of numerous celebrities including Patrick Swayze, Michael Jackson, Ted Kennedy, and others. We have seen the true colors of Kayne West, and him being an arrogant, pompous idiot at the MTV MVA show, interupting a female winner to whine that some other person should have won. In essence he showed that there racism is still alive and kicking. Specially from blacks to whites.
We've seen how in under a years time, a president can take a bad situation, and make it worse. Try to turn this nation of freedom into a nation of Socialism.
So all in all, there have been a lot of new, and interesting, things happen so far this year.
Things I get to look forward to are my son's first halloween where he will go as one of a few options, including a bumble bee, a hershey's kiss, and others. His first thanksgiving, where he will not be able to eat anything since his teeth aren't in yet. His first Christmas, where his mother plans to dress him in a Santa's Little Helpers outfit, and take tons of pictures. His first New Year's, where he will hopefully spend it asleep, and just think that it's another day.
Oh, there is one other thing that I get to look forward to in the upcoming months, or year, the possiblity of moving out of the USA to Australia. Why would I do that? Well, two reasons. One, I have ALWAYS wanted to go there, and two, I have a potentially AWESOME job lined up there. I am just waiting to hear about the job, and then a dream of mine can come true!!!
So this year, thus far, in review.
The wife gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby boy on April 3rd at 5:55pm after 14 hours of labor. He is gorgeous. That is ok to say about my son right? Have to be politically correct now that there is an "Africa American" in the WHITE House. Anyway, he is now 5 months old, and a joy to be around. He has brought laughter, and happiness into a house that needed it. Granted that there are still issues. Like the fact that I am no longer in school, we've been struggling finincially ever since I got the money from the school. Somehow the company found out, audited my tuition assistance program, found ONE payment where the school backed off an old grant payment, and applied it to a payment that the company was to make. Thus, resulting in me being put on probation, having to pay not only the company back, but also the school (since I had to drop out). Then we have the car repo'd, almost get evicted from our apartment (with my parents being landlords), drain my 401K to pay said landlords, and a lot more.
So far this year, we have had the deaths of numerous celebrities including Patrick Swayze, Michael Jackson, Ted Kennedy, and others. We have seen the true colors of Kayne West, and him being an arrogant, pompous idiot at the MTV MVA show, interupting a female winner to whine that some other person should have won. In essence he showed that there racism is still alive and kicking. Specially from blacks to whites.
We've seen how in under a years time, a president can take a bad situation, and make it worse. Try to turn this nation of freedom into a nation of Socialism.
So all in all, there have been a lot of new, and interesting, things happen so far this year.
Things I get to look forward to are my son's first halloween where he will go as one of a few options, including a bumble bee, a hershey's kiss, and others. His first thanksgiving, where he will not be able to eat anything since his teeth aren't in yet. His first Christmas, where his mother plans to dress him in a Santa's Little Helpers outfit, and take tons of pictures. His first New Year's, where he will hopefully spend it asleep, and just think that it's another day.
Oh, there is one other thing that I get to look forward to in the upcoming months, or year, the possiblity of moving out of the USA to Australia. Why would I do that? Well, two reasons. One, I have ALWAYS wanted to go there, and two, I have a potentially AWESOME job lined up there. I am just waiting to hear about the job, and then a dream of mine can come true!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year's Eve's Year in Review
So here it is, New Year's Eve. Since I live on the East Coast of the US of A, I have a little over 14.5 hours till the bell chimes midnight. So I thought that this would be a great time to write about what has happened over the entire year. I mean it couldn't be that much right? So here it is, 2008 in review as from my point of view.
This year was a year of first. It was the first time in my life that I have witnessed, and felt the affects of a finacial recession. This year I met tons of new people, my fellow DIC Heads at, as well as connecting with old friends from years past. I also started blogging, although sparse, I still try to do it. I was playing for my church as well as trying to write some songs on my own. Things were tight financially, but we made it through. There were times to laugh, times to cry like when it was anounced that a member of our church accidently ran over and killed his 9 year old daughter. There were times of fights, mainly with the wife, and times of peace. We saw tons of stuff in the news about people going missing from cruise ships, as well as having modern day pirates attach ships in Africa. We elected our first black president, and saw other politics crash due to scandals. There were just so many things that happened this year that I am glad to say, "See ya 2008!! Welcome 2009!!! You better bring a load of new, and good things for me this year."
So walking into 2009 where do I stand? Well, the person I voted for is not going to be president, I have no money in my pocket, with no raise coming in '09, and a small raises closing out the year. I am behind on my car payment, and was notified my my insurance company that my policy was cancelled. My wife is pregnant with number one, and having issues with the pregnancy. I have had family break promises, and the government keep them. Yes, that is backwards right? We got the stimulus package, and more money for school than I thought I would get. So I can walk into 2009 waiting for money from school to come to me to the tune of 5k+.
So all in all, 2008 sucked, and 2009 better be better than 2008. Hope you have a great, happy and safe New Year's and look forward to venting to you all next year!
This year was a year of first. It was the first time in my life that I have witnessed, and felt the affects of a finacial recession. This year I met tons of new people, my fellow DIC Heads at, as well as connecting with old friends from years past. I also started blogging, although sparse, I still try to do it. I was playing for my church as well as trying to write some songs on my own. Things were tight financially, but we made it through. There were times to laugh, times to cry like when it was anounced that a member of our church accidently ran over and killed his 9 year old daughter. There were times of fights, mainly with the wife, and times of peace. We saw tons of stuff in the news about people going missing from cruise ships, as well as having modern day pirates attach ships in Africa. We elected our first black president, and saw other politics crash due to scandals. There were just so many things that happened this year that I am glad to say, "See ya 2008!! Welcome 2009!!! You better bring a load of new, and good things for me this year."
So walking into 2009 where do I stand? Well, the person I voted for is not going to be president, I have no money in my pocket, with no raise coming in '09, and a small raises closing out the year. I am behind on my car payment, and was notified my my insurance company that my policy was cancelled. My wife is pregnant with number one, and having issues with the pregnancy. I have had family break promises, and the government keep them. Yes, that is backwards right? We got the stimulus package, and more money for school than I thought I would get. So I can walk into 2009 waiting for money from school to come to me to the tune of 5k+.
So all in all, 2008 sucked, and 2009 better be better than 2008. Hope you have a great, happy and safe New Year's and look forward to venting to you all next year!
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