Decided on that title because it seemed fitting. Not because this blog is going to be about Brittany Spears, but because here it is July, and I haven't posted anything since January!!
So, here's the mid year report. There have been a ton of sex scandals broken this year, there have been moves made, and moves to soon come. There have been broken hearts mended, and circumstances fixed.
To get on with what has happened in my life thus far. We moved from a really nice townhouse into a 3 bedroom, 1bath house that belongs to my brother in law and his family. Oh, did I mention that they live there too?? Yes, that means there are 6 people living under one roof. Now, this means, my wife and I, plus Minicoder, my brother in law and his wife, plus their son. This is the issue. My nephew likes to beat on Minicoder, and his parents don't do anything to stop it other then say, "No, No!! You don't hit." Of course there are times that he does it non-stop or uses toys to hit him, and then he gets a 1minute and 30 second time out. Yeah, that's really showing him how to behave. He has gotten the occasional smack on the hands, but again, that's not doing anything. What's even worse is that my sister in law is now pregnant, and will be having a baby in Decemeber. Actually, this pup will be here to celebrate Christmas with us.
I know I've yet to post some pictures of Minicoder up, and I think that this post will be the one where I show how big he's gotten. I still can't believe that he is crawling, cruising, and completely mobile. Heck, he's even going up and down stairs on his own. He's bashful when he meets new people, yet he's grabbed the occasional waitress' rear-ends. The best was when he grabbed the waitress' butt, and she turned to him and said, "You are very cute, but a little young for me. Maybe in a few years." I about died laughing.
In other news, I currently drive for about 5 hours per day. In order to stop the excessive driving, I have an interview this Friday with a company 20 minutes from my house. If I get it, say good bye to the Western Shore of Maryland, and sign me up as a resident of the Eastern Shore. Even if I don't get a huge pay increase, it will save almost a grand in car expenses. Yes, currently I am putting almost 300 miles a DAY on my car. I hope to get this job.
Well, I think that will be all for now. I hope to have more later.
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