Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Going to SCREAM

So today was going great. I was listening, practically all day, to the same song because it is an awesome song. Got through a really grewling day at work, was getting ready to leave, and the phone rings. Of course I had a few other scars today, like getting a message from my boss telling me that I had to work on Sunday to do some more system tests. Of course it will be the third time in a row, and my supervisor reminds me that the last few people that held my position didn't know how to do it, so she did it for ten years. Of course the testing was cancelled since our home office in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is under water right now, and plus we tested last month, and it is a quarterly thing. Ok, back to where I was.....darn bunny trails. So I pick up the phone thinking that it is my wife, only to find out that it is someone from the car company. This lovely individual tells me that I need to get $800 by 9pm est or the car is to be reposessed, and I will still have to finish paying the lease off. GREAT!!! EIGHT HUNDRED BUCKS BY 9 PM. I am in so much trouble. I need a miracle for me to get the money. Well, at least I have a prayer.

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