Monday, October 20, 2008


Ok, so the last post was in August. A lot has happened since then....I think! Let's see, the wife changed baby doctors, has to take a glucose tollerance test, I have been having my sugar crash when I play in my band, I am very close to getting some free money from my parents since I will have 60 college credits by Christmas, and a bunch of other things. One thing that has stayed the same is that the wife has started driving me nuts. She is in constant pain, and there is nothing I can do about it. The part that is really bad is that the doctor's don't know what is going on either. Oh, did I mention that she gets upset with me no matter what I do? Like, our heater is not working, and since my parents are the landlords, I told them that it's not working. The wife is now upset because they might come over today to look at it. It has been terribly cold, remember I HATE cold weather, and would like the heater to work right so we don't have to use the space heater. She's upset because she has not done any cleaning in the house in about 3 months. I have done more around the house than she has. Yes, I know that she is pregnant and everything, but come on, can't you take some time out to do something? I work all day...most days. Today, I am bored....I am running update queries all day to update a huge table that I have for a 10 year project. Oh, speaking of being with my company for that long, I have been looking around for a new job, and made the mistake of telling someone, and they went straight to my supervisor and told. Man, I hate people that snitch on people, specially when this person said the same thing that I said....I just didn't go running to their supervisor to tell on them. The company has been going through a huge transition. Mainly getting rid of people that are at or near retirement. Oh well. I have to go for now. Drop me a line if you ever get to read this.